Monday, October 26, 2015

Rainy day + cattle = MUD!

          So.......... It's raining, we need the rain the ponds are all getting low.  My poor little honey bees can't swim as well as the rest of my animals, but they are survivors. The bees are busy getting ready for the cold months ahead.
                         Honey Bees are amazing creatures, I am overwhelmed at all the tasks they accomplish in a day, from the moment they hatch out of their little capsule to the day they cease their existence. I am not taking any honey from them this first season, they need 60 lbs of honey for the winter, I'll take some after the spring, I'm sure they won't mind.
 My kids laugh at me when I "suit up" but better safe than sorry. My husband, the "steel cowboy",( so called because he rides a Harley Davidson motorcycle ), doesn't and they just ignore him, he says it's because he's so calm and laid back. Well that he is, laid back , it takes a lot to ruffle his feathers.

                       I went out to the chicken yard this morning and discovered my hens were up to their 'butts' in water, too much rain all at one time, 2 inches to be exact.
The rabbits were dry and Mr. Pig was very happy with all the mud he had to 'plow' through. Plowing the mud is his favorite thing to do, besides wallowing in it. ( YAAY! for him. )

                    The steel cowboy is gone again, he travels a lot with his work, so I run this 'junky ass ranch', as we so lovingly call it.
 When we purchased this land it was in need of lots of T.L.C., there was lots of junk and scrap on the property and the fences were hanging on with a wish and a prayer. 
The place is looking lots better but it's still not exactly where we want it to be.  Time and the "Home Depot" will get it there!
 My favorite place to shop Le Home De'-po(t), the 't' is silent of course, kidding!!!
 I have to say, every time I need to make a major repair I can get what I need there and then I check the D.I.Y. channel web site for how to's. I have to give credit where credit is due.
  I don't remember everything my dad taught me, and sometimes I'm just not sure how to start or what products are available today.

                   It never fails, it's as if a text is sent, txt :"the cowboy is gone so let's aggravate the Boss Mare".
 I don't think he even got out of the state when the pipe burst! Yep, you know who had to dig that hole.
 Who?, hire someone, what??, pinch yourself!  Call the Boss-Mare, the Chief, cook, and bottle washer, and hole digger and poop scooper and....
   You get the jest of it, if it breaks I fix it. Anyway the pipe was only about 2 feet down, not deep enough. The break was at the base of the pipe, (always shut the water off first).
I told the "steel cowboy" what I was doing when he called , his answer "I knew it wasn't deep enough, just didn't have time to mess with it. That's why your water bill was so high."  He's so smart isn't he, he already knew it.
MY water bill........ ?
Now I have to go to town, a 45 minute ride, and buy pipe because of course I don't have the right size. This requires 3/4" and I have 1" PVC, imagine that!

You  have to laugh at yourself , I do that a lot but not always at that moment.

              Fixed the pipe, changed it from PVC to galvanized and dug down much deeper, where it should have been to begin with!! Amen, done? 
Turned the water on, found a leak, easy fix had to tighten the galvanized pipe more. I guess I was a little weak after all that digging. 
Check that off the 'honey do'  list, yes I own that list. I'm his honey and I get the to do the list.  
                Stopped raining, the weather guessers say there's more on the way, time to batten down the hatches as they say on a ship.
The cows are coming to the house,  must be time for their "latte's".  This is a standing joke, my ' steel-cowboy' tells every one I give my cows latte's and scones.
 No, it's more like they eat grass and snack on corn when they come up to the house. They also like the salt licks and mineral licks I buy for them, especially if they have molasses in them. Who wouldn't like that molasses lick! I think my cowgirls have sampled them, but
they'll never tell. 
Another day, not over yet though, time to 'git along little dog-gies' making cinnamon rolls today and my AWESOME- Autumn Apple cake.  I'll post the recipe so you can make them also if you'd like. I have made these recipe's since before I was a teenager. Long time ago!!

                    Funny where life will lead us if we are willing to go. I never thought I'd dump the corporate world to jump into the 'cattle business'. Big change, from suits and heels, to boots and wranglers.  ( I love red tag wrangler jeans!!)
                     Hope you'll come back and share this ride with me, I'll try not to be too cliche'. I can promise you'll share the laughter, the tears and the food. Yes, I promised I would write a cook book but I think it will be more fun to share recipe's with you on this blog.

                               BLAZE YOUR OWN TRAIL!!

                                                                 thanks for stoppin' by my friends,
                                                                                 Cattle Cate


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